Will the Real Slim Shady…

Hey everyone, it’s Casey! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my new blog! I love that I have a creative outlet to share so many things with you. I’ll be covering DIY’s, parenting, tips and tricks to navigate every day as a Stay at Home Mom, easy recipes for you and your family (you all know I don’t cook) and so much more!

As a SAHM, you get so used to being at home alone with your kid(s) and it’s easy to forget how to communicate with adults (how ridiculous does that sound?) but really! You kind of lose yourself in all the baby talk and poop explosions (am I right?). Not to discredit our incredibly important jobs as parents but come on, we were fun adults at one point too, right? I’m here to let you know, you’re not alone. I am probably the Hot Mess Mom of all Hot Mess Moms. Not my greatest accomplishment but one that I’ve rightfully earned and I wear it proudly. I’m not perfect, I never know what day it is and my kid hardly ever gets to bed on time (or eats her veggies, if we’re being honest) BUT, we’re here. We’re thriving and we’re awesome. It’s okay to be a hot mess, it’s okay to be crazy and it’s okay to not have your shit together. None of us do. And if you know a mom that does she’s a damn liar. So hold those messy buns up high and wear your yoga pants with pride… all aboard the Hot Mess Express! Choo choo!

